Jimmie Jones "When
I was growing up, I was always required to work twice as hard as my peers just
to be equal. Whether it was in sports or academics, I always had to work harder
than the average young person. I used to think that this was a negative aspect
of my life, until I realized that having to work harder caused me to think
twice as hard to solve problems and forced me to find creative ways to answer
questions and find solutions.
Now, because of my childhood, I am focused, driven, and ambitious and will
spare no expense to learn what I need to know in order to succeed.
My Motto for life:
Live. Create. Inspire.
My Standard:
Excellence and Nothing Less.
IT Consultant. Aritst
PR. Programming Enthusiast. HTML. Blogger. Entrepreneur. Mentor. Technology
Enthusiast, Business/Branding Enthusiast. Social Networking.
Feel free to check out my links to find out more about me. I look forward to
meeting with you."