D. Hales is a Ph.D. candidate and Bunton-Waller Fellow in The Pennsylvania
State University's College of Information Sciences and Technology (IST). She is
originally from the Bronx, NY and earned a B.S. in Information Technology
(focusing on communication with a minor in management) from Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. Ms. Hales’ current research focuses on
Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) as it relates to interpersonal
relationship maintenance. This research explores the relationship between CMC
and individual differences, relationship features (e.g. stability,
satisfaction), and demographics. More specifically, Ms. Hales’ dissertation
topic focuses on the use of CMC in pre-established, monogamous, non-platonic,
heterosexual relationships. Her intent is to uncover the factors that influence
the impact of CMC on interpersonal relationships and how Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs) can be used as a tool to achieve relational
goals. Ms. Hales will be defending her dissertation, titled “Multimedia
Relational Maintenance in the 21st Century,” on March 30, 2011.