R. Cardona was born (1990) and raised in El Paso, TX. He attended and graduated
from Del Valle High School as Valedictorian. During high school he played
baseball all four years, was a band member (marching band, concert band, and
jazz band) as trumpet section-leader, and a member of the National Honor
Society. Jacob applied for and was awarded a scholarship to the University of
Texas at Austin. He is currently an undergraduate pursuing a Bachelor of Arts
in Computer Science. Jacob is currently employed at the Legal Services for
Students at UT Austin as a student assistant. His hobbies include hanging out
with my family, playing sports, playing my guitar, and programming (or
"writing code" as his friends and Jacob call it)! He always looks
forward to opportunities that may arise for him as a computer science major
such as networking, research, internships, and ultimately an awesome career
after graduating from UT. Jacobs focus is a life of happiness and success in
everything that he does.