Jessica Brazelton
was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from
Tuskegee University in May 2010 with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Computer
Science and a Bachelor’s of Art degree in Mathematics. At Tuskegee she was
involved in several organizations: Association for Computing Machinery (Treasurer
and President), National Society of Black Engineers (Telecommunication Chair), NAACA
and the Alabama Club. During her sophomore year at Tuskegee she was inducted
into Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society, Pi Mu Epsilon Honor Society, and Upsilon Pi
Epsilon Honor Society, where she served as Vice President.
During Jessica’s
junior year she received the Adrianne D. Mason Akins Leadership Award, awarded
to two CS students that have demonstrated leadership. Her other honors and awards include: Tuskegee
University Honor Roll, Raytheon Scholar, Tuskegee University Merit Scholarship,
and a FOCUS Scholar. During her college career, Jessica has interned at Jet
Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA, Lockheed Martin Corporation in Fairfax,
VA, and Xerox Corporation in Webster, NY. She was also the Microsoft Student Partner at
Jessica was
awarded a GEM Fellow after graduation along with a summer internship with Johns
Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.
She was accepted into the master’s program in Computer Science at Georgia
Institute of Technology where she is currently in her second semester,
specializing in Software Methodology & Engineering and Computer
Visualization & Graphics, planning to graduate in December 2011. She is an
active member of the Black Graduate Student Association (BGSA) and Minorities
in the College of Computing (M@CC). In her free time she enjoys spending time
with family and friends, dancing, traveling, community service, shopping,
drawing, and learning new technologies on the computer. She also a web designer
and has developed several active websites.