Dr. Rubin Landau, Dr.
Wendy Carter-Veale, and Dr. Renetta Tull led two PhD workshops
in August 2012: Proposal Writing, recorded session at
http://bit.ly/ELA_proposal_writing_Aug2012, and The Final Defense,
recorded session at http://bit.ly/ELA_FinalDefense.
More about the
Professor Rubin Landau
received his B.S. in Engineering Physics from Cornell University in 1965, his
M.S. in Physics in 1966 from the University of Illinois, and his Ph.D. in
Physics from the University of Illinois in 1970. His research specialty is
theoretical and computational studies of the interactions of elementary
particles with bound systems. He held postdoc positions at the Universities of
Pittsburgh and British Columbia, and from 1974-1985 was a regular visitor at
Triumf and UBC. He has also held visiting appointments at the University of
California, San Diego (the Supercomputer center and the Institute for Nonlinear
Science); the Nuclear Theory Institute at the University of Washington;
Adelaide University; Melbourne University; IBM Research, Yorktown Heights; the
University of Surrey; the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; the Weitzman
Institute; and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. He is a Fellow of the American
Physical Society (Division of Computational Physics), an Oregon State
University Distinguished Professor, and since 2003 a Professor emeritus,
teaching part time and continuing computational developments.