Bushra Anjum, PhD student, discussed Doctoral Program Planning on 3/20/12. Link to recorded session at http://bit.ly/ELA_Anjum_Barksdale. She also led the session on Overcoming the Difficulties in Obtaining Your PhD as part of a panel discussion. Link to this session at http://bit.ly/ELA_panel110911.
Bushra Anjum is a Fulbright scholar and is currently a PhD student at North Carolina State University, advised by Dr. Harry Perros. She received her Master's of Science in 2007, maintaining rank 1 in a batch of 250 students and earning the Gold Medal, from the Computer Science Department at the Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan. She received her Bachelor’s of Science, Summa Cum Laude, from the Computer Science Department at National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Pakistan. She has authored scholarly papers in the areas of performance modeling, computer networks, and quality of service provision.