In my years of hiring various administrative positions I have noticed that many students, but in particular women and minorities, seemed to make the same mistakes when interviewing. Moreover, they seemed not to be aware that their behavior and what they said are being evaluated in such a critical manner. In this talk I will give you some mistakes of basics do’s and don’ts on both an academic or industrial job.
Biography: A graduate of Houston’s Milby High School, Juan Meza earned three degrees from Rice: a B.S. and M.S. in electrical engineering and, after six years at Exxon Production Research, a Ph.D. in computational and applied mathematics. Meza spent the bulk of his career at two leading national research laboratories: first at Sandia National Laboratories as a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff, and then at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, where he served as Department Head and Senior Scientist in High Performance Computing and as Acting Division Director of Computational Research. In 2011 he left the lab to become Dean of Natural Sciences at University of California – Merced. Most recently, Juan Meza received the honor of 2013 Rice Outstanding Engineering Alumnus.