Webinar Series
In the fall of 2010, ELA initiated two successful mentoring teleconference series, Undergraduate Orientation and Enculturation and The What, Why, and How of Graduate School. Because of the success of these first teleconference series, more frequent events have been offered and the program itself has transitioned to become the XSEDE/ELA Webinars program. The webinars are announced through the ELA listserv and
on this Tapia Center website. If you'd like to receive updates and announcements of mentoring webinars, contact Ruth Kravetz, program manager at rkravetz@rice.edu to be added to the listserv.
The EL Alliance telementoring project has been led and directed by Phoebe Lenear (picture on the left). Her philosophy on mentoring can be summed up by a quote from one of her favorite songs:
"If I can help somebody as I pass along, if I can cheer somebody with a word or song, if I can show somebody he is traveling wrong, then my living will not be in vain."
Juan Gilbert (picture on the right) was
featured in the Fall 2010 ELA newsletter as an inspiring hero. He
states in an article featured in Science journal:
"Even as a professor...I am still being mentored--by other computer science
professors. I truly believe that being a mentee never ends and that if
you're ready to receive guidance, you'll be able to find someone out
there who can be a mentor for you. Now, I get to return the
favor--I am mentoring several others who are looking for their own
inspiration, guidance, and opportunity."
*If you are interested in participating as a speaker in a webinar please contact Ruth Kravetz.